
When Anger Feels Overwhelming: Signs It’s Time to Seek Professional Help 

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When Anger Feels Overwhelming: Signs It’s Time to Seek Professional Help 

Anger is a common human emotion. It’s healthy when expressed appropriately. When anger controls your life instead of the other way around, it may be time to seek professional help.

Board-certified psychiatric nurse practitioner Bosede Iwuamadi, DNP, PMHNP, and our team help you understand how to process those uncontrollable emotions through anger management at Newstone Behavioral Health in Garland, Texas. We can also refer you to additional therapy if needed. 

When to consider anger management

The first sign you’d benefit from anger management is feeling angry often. Other signals include: 

  • Irritability frequently turns to anger
  • Comments from others cause over-the-top feelings of rage
  • Your anger damages one or more relationships
  • Depression, anxiety, or addictions fuel angry outbursts

Dr. Iwuamadi helps you get to the root of your anger to channel it more productively. 

How to express, not suppress, anger 

Suppressing anger makes it fester, which may lead to both mental and physical problems, from depression and headaches to high blood pressure and heart disease. Dr. Iwuamadi and our team guide you in understanding and expressing your emotions in healthier ways.

What is anger management?

Over time, you form habitual patterns that are either rewarded or punished. We’ll help you build new habits as you learn to experience your anger and release it more constructively. Dr. Iwuamadi utilizes a combination of therapies and approaches, including:

  • Talk therapy to explore underlying issues and triggers
  • Medication when necessary to support emotional balance

By incorporating these methods, we help you manage anger in a way that enhances your well-being.

Ways to control your anger

While you can’t control every angry feeling, you can change your reactions. Dr. Iwuamadi suggests other techniques to cope with anger, such as:

  1. Exercise to burn off excess energy and reduce stress
  2. Pause before reacting with anger
  3. Breathe deeply to diffuse feelings
  4. Request, don’t demand (you’ll catch more flies with honey than with vinegar)
  5. Avoid difficult discussions when tired or stressed

Anger is valuable. It helps set boundaries and identify needs. However, when it becomes abusive, it stops serving everyone. There are ways to honor anger, determine how it feels in your body, and ultimately release it.

Sometimes, it takes a trained therapist to help you manage your feelings. If you want to learn to control, not repress, your anger or wish to discuss other mental health issues in person or via telehealth, contact us at Newstone Behavioral Health in Garland, Texas, today.